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June 04, 2006

We are a global business.

I saw this weekend a crowd of forty thousand being entertained by hip hop. No I wasn't at summer jam. It was in moscow,russia. We have an opportunity just like Mcdonalds to invade every part of the world with a piece of our culture thru hip hop music. We have to realize that as this business of hip hop grows and expands you may not like every bit of it but it is neccessary. Music is something that you don't have to listen to if you don't like it or buy if you dislike the content. It also is a personal expression of the many great artists out there that are pushing the brands foward. I see alot of the visitors to the blog singing the gloom and doom of hip hop because it isn't in the native tongue phase anymore or the nice sugarhill era that set the stage for us all to hear what is rap today. We keep moving foward trust me despite what you think. The vanguards of the golden era weren't compensated they way that they should have been and that being said everyone is an adult and made or makes the decision to go foward whether it is the fame that drives them foward or the money that they see before them. I am not going to act like I should be responsible for the forefathers that paved the way and made x when now hip hop makes x y and z. The next era will do even better than we are so please remember I ran with red alert but I listened to mr magic too and picked up this one jewel from him that persistance overcomes resistance. I am being persistant people because this is a business and I hope that is what you get out of today's blog. This is a business and ten years ago they wouldn't have let us into moscow to perform. We are global and it is time for everyone to think of their own master plan to succeed in this hip hop world. WE ARE GLOBAL!!!!!!

Posted by chrislighty at June 4, 2006 09:31 AM


You may or may not be happy to know I discussed your post at ProHipHop:
Hip Hop Is Global, No Need To Invade


Posted by: Clyde Smith at June 4, 2006 02:21 PM

hi chris,

have you ever been to germany? do you know any german artists, i would like to recomend you some, you should really listen to some.

the german rap scene īnever gets the respect its supoosed to get.


Posted by: Danny at June 4, 2006 04:04 PM

I'm interested in knowing who all performed at the concert you went to in Moscow? Please plug!

Posted by: BJ at June 5, 2006 08:34 AM

Hip Hop is becoming so global and such a huge money maker I dont feel people truly understand how big it truly is.Get EDUCATED.Like Kevin Liles stresses in his book.


Posted by: K.Bibbs at June 6, 2006 04:08 PM

Thats a beautiful thing to see people in russia, being entertained by hip hop music. look out for that next russian rapper... Thats hot


Posted by: lp at June 7, 2006 02:34 PM

YO: whats good ?

well let me start off by saying "snap your fingers" and do a setp!

lil john is killing em every time out the box.
i'm glad E-40 is on our raido day in and day out,good job getting him singed to BME. E-40 been in this game, HOW MANY YEARS? and it's just real good to see him get his "shine", on the tv and the raido along side one of the WORLDS MOST SUPER PRODUCERS "LIL JOHN" who is singed on to your mangement team if i'm corrct. Well big ups on to you and your team on your successes i'm thinking everyone should go out and pick up that ghetto report card alblum, i still need to. But i plan on it. Peace to all from, D-Man West Palm Beach, Fl.

Posted by: D-MAN/ PALM BEACH FL at June 13, 2006 11:14 AM

Chris I see you doing what you do best. Makin shit happen! I worked with you at Def Jam from 1996 to 1999' I was VP of a production deal. Since then I've been on Wall Street making money grow. I'm a Financial Advisor present and I want to join your team. You always gave me good advice. I'am a asset for sure. Can we set a meeting.


Posted by: Mike Rohan at June 14, 2006 08:05 PM


I find it to be remarkable as well that something that started in the parks and blocks of the queens and bronx has evolved into a such a global force. Never before has something influenced the WORLD like hip hop. Everyday I strive to emulate the select few who have been so successful at harnessing its energy. Though I did not get a shot to prove myself at Violator, with you guys here for many years to come and me just getting started...I hope to cross paths in the near future. Much Love and God Bless.

Oh, and for Rap's Rolling Stones: Diddy, Jay, Andre Young, and Nas....THE RAP PACK

Posted by: J Sharon at June 14, 2006 11:24 PM

Chris, music is about sound right? so do u mean to tell me no1 these days is capable of making music that sounds good and also has a positive message behind it? Positivity depends on perspective. True. But i don't think there's a balance of persepective in hip hop right now. and it could easily be restored if record execs (even1) would develop the balls to TRY and bring that artist or group to the world that does that.

Posted by: RhinRiddilin at June 14, 2006 11:26 PM


NOT HATING JUST VENTING--- You pretend to be a CHAMPION of the Hip-HOP Nation. Actuality, you are just looking out for your own SELF- Interest,which is a rule of POWER , the same RULE that the WEALTHY AND RICH use to CONQUER , DECEIVE, and CONTROL. You are NO DIFFERENT THAN THE AFRICANS who SOlD US OUT TO THE EUROPEANS. My point is this , when I heard you speak at the HSAN , in NYC , which was about empowering the people to control their money. You were on the panel and didn't share anything with the people about getting their finances together. You made remarks about , " how many credit cards you have " - LAUGHED AND JOKED in a condecending tone about , " how you and KEVIN LILES take exotic trips , and after your trip ends it's back to business , unfortunately , someone has to be cut. What an example of LEADERSHIP,CHRIS! You should feel GOOD that HIP-HOP is going GLOBAL. Because your staff suffers everytime you TRAVEL. DO you understand what GLOBALIZATION is ? Can you PROJECT its longterm effects on our culture , which is HIP-HOP ? One can view you the same as one views these WASPs and YUPPIEs . No , you don't owe me any explanations , CHRIS. You do owe the community of HIP-HOP one . Keep the community together and not FRAGMENTED . RESPONSIBILTY is the PRICE OF FAME- SO you can pay us NOW or YOU will pay LATER. AT THE END OF THE DAY YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY .... GLOBALIZATION will be your THORN . In conclusion , respect MR . MAGIC but he didn't invent the THE PHRASE you refer to , PERSISTENT OVERCOMES RESISTANCE . The author is ZIG ZIGLAR - I believe this is a author you use as a REFERENCE , CHRIS .

Posted by: PrinceBorn at June 16, 2006 12:53 PM

Was that you in Winky Wright's corner?

I thought that I saw yo' big ol' head back there in the 2nd row. What a fight!!

Posted by: Jacqueline at June 18, 2006 08:14 PM

Mr. Lighty,
I'm glad someone as influential as yourself sees things from such a global perspective. I possess intellectual property for a new technology that will revolutionize the global digital camcorder industry. Directly marketed to millions of existing consumers and millions more to new buyers, this product will spark personal video like iPod did personal audio.

Please check the email for a detailed message regarding this opportunity.


Posted by: Dana Hawes at June 19, 2006 01:16 PM

Hey Chris,

Hip Hop is Global...and the internet is how I learned that fact. You have just confirmed my belief with this blog. Like Danny said (Big up to my ppls in Germany!) German Rap doesn't get the respect it should and BELIEVE ME IT SHOULD! I had the pleasure of visting Berlin last year, and I was very sad to have to leave. I have a few artist names that I would like to share with you (I have them in my travel journal...I'll be sure to post that stuff soon).

Of course I've heard that artist like 50 and Snoop Dogg go overseas and perform to ppl who don't even know what they are saying and that says alot about this Art we call Hip-Hop. I look forward to having those Hip-Hop followers and music creators come to this side of the water and show us how they do it!

It's so funny because I am actually trying to hook up with an Australian female artist...the girl is the truth. The problem is that she doesn't think she is consumable for the U.S. -- seeing this blog, I might be able to convience her otherwise. This has been a 2 year battle, but you may have just helped me out.

I persist.

Nickki G.

Posted by: NickkiG at June 21, 2006 07:36 PM

so, everyone that disapproves of the job chris is doing.. realize that this forum is set up so he can tap the hip hop culture for its truest senses. your feedback keeps chris in touch with trends, influences, and information he needs to make informed decisions to push the hip hop money maker forward. if you disapprove, don't comment. you are feeding the beast.

Posted by: cbell at June 24, 2006 12:47 PM

Hey Chris,

Hip Hop Culture is all around the world, it seems to establish itself within the major cities and spreads from there to the outskirts of the different countries. Youngster use it to tell their reality. Still in a lot of European countries the labels, the radiosations, the brands are not taking this lifestyle seriously yet. Even though it's already a billion dollar business in the States. Change is coming though in okt. 2007 our foundation called Epitome Entertainment, will be hosting New Skool Rules. A music seminar, with concerts and afterparties. The seminar part is the one that needs special attention because by getting the right speakers and the movers and shakers from Europe as well as the States we will build new bridges and connect different networks. Europe has so much talent it's ridiculous!! Reading these different blogs I think you would make a very inspirational speaker. Could you get in touch through the e-mailaddress I enlisted.

Henca from the Netherlands

Posted by: Henca Maduro at August 15, 2006 04:51 PM

Hip Hop has been a global business since Japanese fans started spending 9 hours under the tanning lights, wearing FUBU tracksuits and Afro Sheen manipulated Afros. Whats happened over the last ten years is Brothers and Sisters who traditionally wouldn't have worked in the music industry because of instability are taking their MBA's and committing them to Hip Hop.

The problem with our industry is that we've worked making mistakes for so long that a system has only come in to play at the end of careers that really should have been much more fulfilling financially.

Parents who's kids are now religious followers of Hip Hop need to stop telling them to put away their fantasies and buckle down, but give them a road map through traditional studies like maths, English or languages and either show them or find individuals or institutions that can, to identify how these matrix of skills will all add to them being the next Chris, Diddy or Dash.

Posted by: Dean Okai at October 5, 2006 08:20 AM

Chris whats good?

Im writting you from germany were i spend a good amount of my time.Im from Amityville long island were i grew up and have a good friendship with mase and dave from da la soul. I came here in the milatary,but now im a writter for most of there english singing popstars one being the biggest female star they have here, Sarah connor she is like the german brittney spears. I know, big difference. Anyway let me get to the point i love hiphop even though i do what i do over here to make my money, i can see the impact hiphop is having all over europe. Now it is my idea to do a T.V. show about it but not just any t.v show if you hit me on my e-mail i will explain the hole thing to you.I just left newyork and was trying to get a hole of you there but only came as close as getting what i think is your brothers number(mike)Called him soon as i got back but he said for what im trying to do i have to talk to you.I realy think you will like my idea it involves prince paul (original da la producer) as well.He is also trying to contact you.Also i will be working with marvin smith a good friend of mona's it would be a good look if you can find some time to just take a look at the concept.
Thanks: Anthony F.(aka ski)

Posted by: Anthony freeman at October 20, 2006 06:08 PM

I think people too often equate the condition of Rap and Hip-Hop-with the condition of America. Rap was created like most forms of Black expression from the conditions of the originators. If that means the slums of the Bronx (Melly Mel) or middle class Philladelphia (Will Smith)and with that brings different perspectives of the "Black Experience" to light. And neither one is more authenic than the other. African-Americans are the most diverse people on the planet. no one category is big enough to fit us in accept human.

We are and will always be inovators and achievers, we should celebrate our 50 cents as well as our Will Smiths and every artist in between. Because the make up the facets in our jewel of a race, that makes us shine so brightly for all the world to see.

Big Black

Posted by: Markeith E. Johnson at December 17, 2006 04:15 PM