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July 03, 2006

The 4th of july!

On this holiday I hope everyone has a festive family gathering. In my travels to Memphis for the Wright/Taylor fight I was enlightened and want to encourage everyone to get down to Memphis to see The Civil Rights Museum. It gave me a very insightful view of the country on how far we have come but also how far we have to go. The fact that I was able to stand on the same balcony that our Dr. Martin Luthor King was taken from this world made me feel very small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It made me realize that I am and will be grateful for all the opportunities alloted me thru the deeds of many before me. It also made me realize that what I do is entertainment and should be taken as that. There are many other things we need to work on as a group of people and we should be lucky that we are in 2006 and not 1956 because America was a very different place. We still have a long way to go as a nation and as a race of people but to tear down "Hip Hop" isn't the answer. To ask people to change the music they make isn't the answer. The answer is we have to change as a nation of people and not take our entertainment more serious than our upbringing and culture of which "hip hop" is a part of. I hope you all get to see what I have seen and it will help to push you in a positive manner as it has helped me to change my framework just abit but it also makes me grateful beyond measure. I see some of the comments of how I am part of the machine and system. If that is the case than the machine wouldn't let me have this conversation. The fact is they say you have to know your past to have a future. Well get down there to see our past so you can help shape your future in a more positive way! That is my message for independance day! All the best!

Posted by chrislighty at 11:55 PM | Comments (16)