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June 04, 2006

We are a global business.

I saw this weekend a crowd of forty thousand being entertained by hip hop. No I wasn't at summer jam. It was in moscow,russia. We have an opportunity just like Mcdonalds to invade every part of the world with a piece of our culture thru hip hop music. We have to realize that as this business of hip hop grows and expands you may not like every bit of it but it is neccessary. Music is something that you don't have to listen to if you don't like it or buy if you dislike the content. It also is a personal expression of the many great artists out there that are pushing the brands foward. I see alot of the visitors to the blog singing the gloom and doom of hip hop because it isn't in the native tongue phase anymore or the nice sugarhill era that set the stage for us all to hear what is rap today. We keep moving foward trust me despite what you think. The vanguards of the golden era weren't compensated they way that they should have been and that being said everyone is an adult and made or makes the decision to go foward whether it is the fame that drives them foward or the money that they see before them. I am not going to act like I should be responsible for the forefathers that paved the way and made x when now hip hop makes x y and z. The next era will do even better than we are so please remember I ran with red alert but I listened to mr magic too and picked up this one jewel from him that persistance overcomes resistance. I am being persistant people because this is a business and I hope that is what you get out of today's blog. This is a business and ten years ago they wouldn't have let us into moscow to perform. We are global and it is time for everyone to think of their own master plan to succeed in this hip hop world. WE ARE GLOBAL!!!!!!

Posted by chrislighty at 09:31 AM | Comments (18)